Saturday, May 7, 2011

Solidcad And Cad MicroSolutions, Inc. Merge

Effective May 2nd, 2011, the merged Autodesk Gold Partners continue to operate under the SolidCAD brand while providing sales and professional services to the Manufacturing and Architecture, Building Engineering, Civil Engineering and Construction (AEC) Industries. SolidCAD’s expanded team comprises a cross-section of experience increasing its depth of technical service capabilities and expanding its reach across all sectors.

Paul Forman, President of SolidCAD says,“This merger supports SolidCAD’s long-standing commitment to steady growth of its operations and investment in the business of selling Autodesk software.” Forman adds,“Fusion of these two Autodesk businesses positions SolidCAD to leverage more than 35 years combined expertise benefitting our clients with excellence in the products we sell as well as the training, consulting and software development services we offer.”

Brad Porter, President of CAD MicroSolutions Inc. adds,“Moving forward as one team under the SolidCAD banner provides all Autodesk customers the largest and most extensive technical resource pool available in Canada from an Autodesk VAR Partner. The combined team of close to 50 experts provides an unmatched ability to deliver best-in-class training, support, implementation and customization services across the entire Autodesk software technology portfolio.”

Continuing under the leadership of Paul Forman, SolidCAD maintains its existing offices in Richmond Hill, Brampton and Burlington while adding a sales office and training center at the Etobicoke location of CAD MicroSolutions. SolidCAD and CAD MicroSolutions Inc.’s customers can expect a smooth transition during the merger and are invited to contact SolidCAD at 1-877-438-2231 for more information.


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