Fairleigh Dickinson University’s Advanced MBA Students Counsel Local New Jersey
Teaneck N.J. Each semester advanced Fairleigh Dickinson University’s MBA students partner with local ventures to tackle complex business situations and provide novel perspectives to companies. MBA Student Team - Company partnerships have been an integral part of the MBA entrepreneurial capstone and have provided valuable business guidance to over 200 organizations since 1992.
As the end of the spring semester approaches visit a local FDU campus to hear the inventive business solution presentations and learn how local businesses benefit from this unique opportunity.
When and Where: Thursday, May 12, 2011, 5:30pm - 8:00 pm
Fairleigh Dickinson University - Metro Campus
Dickinson Hall, Room 2245
140 University Plaza Drive, Hackensack, NJ
• Community Children's Museum Dover, NJ
• Flat World Knowledge Irvington, NY
• Morris Museum Morristown, NJ
• Redfield Corporation Rochelle Park, NJ
FDU's Business Ventures Program seeks businesses, both for profit and non-profit, interested in partnering with MBA consulting teams to create and develop entrepreneurial and innovative strategies. Applications are now being accepted for the Fall 2011 Semester.
To RSVP to the events or for more information on how to apply for next semester please visit our website at www.fdu.edu/businessventures and/or contact:
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