Saturday, June 25, 2011

Mantis Shrimp Eye Could İmprove High-definition CDs, DVDs

The eye of the peacock mantis shrimp has led an international team of researchers to develop a two-part waveplate that could improve CD, DVD, blu-ray and holographic technology, creating even higher definition and larger storage density. Peacock mantis shrimp are one of only a few animal species that can see circularly polarized light -- like the light used to create 3-D movies. Some researchers believe the mantis shrimp's eyes are better over the entire visual spectrum than any man-made waveplates.

A waveplate is a transparent slab that can alter the polarization of light because it is birefringent -- exhibits double refraction. The mineral calcite, which is sometimes used as a waveplate, is birefringent. This print viewed through a calcite lens appears as doubled and slightly offset letters.

"We want to change the polarization without affecting the amount of light that gets through," said Akhlesh Lakhtakia, Charles Godfrey Binder Professor of Engineering Science and Mechanics, Penn State. " We want both transmittance and changing polarization to occur quite independent of frequency. In other words, we do not want to affect the color."

Waveplates restore polarization in devices that require only one polarization of light, but lose polarization within the process. They can also separate light into separate polarizations to carry specific information and can filter light for optical devices.

Typically, waveplates are made from minerals like quartz, calcite or birefringent polymers. In some cases, to create the range and transparency required, two different materials are stacked or joined, but this type of construction sometimes delaminates, coming apart at the seams.


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