Recruitment Tests for Construction Chemical Jobs
If you are a civil engineer applying for a job in construction chemicals, this kind of recruitment test you may face during your job interview.
Case 1: Assuming you are a civil engineer working for a worldwide leader construction chemicals supplier as a senior engineer with 2 staffs under your management, you are designed to follow a project actively. The project, a 1.5km-long bridge with estimated cost of USD 100 million, is such an important project of the city that each decision, e.g: decision of raw material choice, involves many people. The difficulty you face is that the main construction company of the project seems to prefer your competitors’ products to yours. Write down your action plan to win the project in the case (who you need to meet, how to persuade them, how to assign your staff, what support you need from other departments of your company, etc.)
Case 2: Assuming you are a technical manager of an admixture company (a worldwide leader construction chemicals supplier). You are now in charge of one bridge project that your company is supplying products. One day, some break-down happens to the project: concrete compressive strength with Sika admixture is not as high as requirement. The construction company blames your company’s products even though your admixture is not the unique element influencing on concrete strength. The problem is serious because the demand of admixture of the project is still big and this construction company will participate into other projects. If you loose this project, not only will our sales volume be affected much but also our reputation on technical aspect will be damaged. As a technical engineer, what should you do in this situation?
Case 3: Before applying a chemical product to a project, a trial test must be done in a certified laboratory. You are assumed to be a technical engineer of Admixture Company and in charge of doing this test. The test is a decisive factor for your admixture to access the project. However, the test you do is not successful. After searching for causes, you find out the most probable cause is that the quality of cement is not stable. You decide to write a memo to the chief of your company’s laboratory to report the case, propose some solutions and ask for help. Please wrire down the memo (around 200 words).
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